
Best to Freeze & Keep Purees - Qubies

Satu lagi tempat menyimpan puri beku. Yang ni macam senang sikit, tuang je terus dalam bekas panjang tu dan tutup dengan penutup divider plastic. Bila puri beku akan terasing dengan sendirinya.

Best to Freeze & Keep Purees - Petite Creations Baby Cubes

photo from

Bekas puri beku ini berdulang, boleh disusun dengan rapi dan tidak mengambil ruang yang banyak di dalam peti beku.

Best to Grind Baby Food - Munchkin Baby Food Grinder

Natural food takes a turn for the better. A little turn is all the power you need to turn any food into healthy, natural baby food in seconds. Veggies, fruit and meat are ground down to safe-to-swallow pieces.

Best to Freeze & Keep Purees - Snowflake Cubes Gift Set

Ramai mak-mak yang recommend these cute vibrant containers from Tupperware to freeze and keep purees. Selain convenient with a penutup, they say kalau rosak boleh mintak ganti (ada guarantee rasanya)

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